Display & Sales Policy

Leverett Library

Public Display and External Sales Policy

Approved 12/11/24

The Leverett Library connects the community to diverse educational, cultural, informational, and recreational opportunities that support lifelong learning. In support of this mission, the Library provides limited public space for individuals and groups in the community to display civic, cultural, and educational information and announce events and services that are of general and current interest. These types of materials are different from the Library’s collection of print and non-print materials and are not selected by library staff. (See our Collection Development Policy for more information on materials selection practices.)

The Library does not accept responsibility for these materials, for the preservation or protection of materials posted, nor for the accuracy of the statements made in materials. The Library reserves the right to dispose of any material at any time and to make rules ensuring fair access. Acceptance of materials for display does not imply the Library’s endorsement of any organization, product, service, business, individual, policy, or belief.

Lawn Signs

Thanks in part to the Library’s central location, the Leverett Library receives requests to display signs on the Library building and grounds. In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all, only signs for the Library, the Friends of Leverett Library, and the Town of Leverett are allowed on Library property. This policy applies to banners, yard signs, sandwich boards, and other similar formats.

All signs must receive explicit permission from the Library Director before posting. Unapproved signs will be removed. Signs must be removed promptly when the event is over or when the signs are aged.

Bulletin Boards

The Library provides three public bulletin boards for posters, event notices, service information, and business cards. These are:

1. Vestibule Bulletin Board

2. Local Business Card Board (also in vestibule)

3. In-Library Bulletin Board

In order to keep the boards clean and relevant, the following rules apply:

  • All notices must be dated with date they were put on the board.

  • All notices will be removed after one month.

  • All notices must be affixed to the bulletin board not the frame or wall.

  • Notices affixed to the wall or frame will be removed.

  • Business cards will be removed on January 1 and July 1.

Pick-up Location

The Library often receives requests to hold items for another person to later pick up. However, due to a lack of storage space and questions of liability, the Library cannot act as a drop-off and pick-up location for items to be exchanged between community members. All are welcome to use the library to make their exchanges in-person without the aid of Library staff.


The Leverett Library frequently receives requests to sell items for outside organizations. However, the Library staff will only support sales for the Friends of Leverett Library or from the Town of Leverett as they directly support Library services and programs.

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